

I’ve joined a union, now what?

Many people think that unions only have true value when you’re facing a workplace crisis, which may leave a lot of union members feeling as if they need to wait until something bad happens before they can engage with their union. This couldn’t be further from the truth. We don’t sit around and wait for problems to come to us. We’re about proactively addressing workplace issues to minimize problems from arising in the first place. We’re also active in our communities and partner with initiatives that help create a better quality of life for everyone, whether they’re a Teamsters 987 member or not.

There’s so much more to unions than grievances, and being a member of a union means you get to be a part of ongoing large scale change. Here are some specific examples of what goes on at Teamsters 987, and how you can get more involved.

Teamsters 987 supports members and their families

Joining a union isn’t just about you, it’s about your family, and we recognize that. We work to see our members compensated fairly and protected, but we also support our members’ families through sponsorships such as the Teamsters 987 Youth Sports Sponsorship and through academic scholarships such as the James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship. If you’re a Teamsters 987 member, be sure to ask us about scholarships and other opportunities for your family.

Teamsters 987 has devoted committees

We have various committees to help us stay focused on what’s important. For example, our youth committee is made up of passionate youth with a heart for social justice. This committee is focused on bettering the lives of young workers. Interested in joining one of our committees and being a part of change both within and outside Teamsters 987? Contact us.

Teamsters 987 supports charity

We strongly believe in giving back, and love to support the charities in our communities. Through volunteering and financial contributions, we support organizations such as the Mustard Seed, the Salvation Army, local veterans groups, iHuman Youth Society, Santas Anonymous, Youth Unlimited, and more. If you’re interested in getting more involved with upcoming charity initiatives, get in touch with us to find out what’s coming up next.

Teamsters 987 advocates

Once again, you don’t need to have a grievance in order for us to work tirelessly on your behalf. Our team is vigilant when it comes to staying up to date with new labour laws, trade deals, technology, and anything else that could impact the jobs of our members. We have important conversations with influential people and unite with other union members to demand change where necessary. Interested in getting involved in advocating on behalf of Albertan workers? Let us know.

Teamsters 987 educates

We want to help our members stay informed with what’s going on day to day, which is why we discuss current events, law changes, and anything that may affect your life in the workplace. Not following us on Facebook? Follow us.

Teamsters 987 mentors

Do you need someone to talk to? We’re here. We have business agents and shop stewards readily available if you need advice, have general union questions, or are having problems in your workplace. If you think you’re ready to take on more responsibility and more actively support your fellow Teamsters 987 members, you may consider becoming a shop steward.

The more active members we have, the louder voice we have, and the stronger force we become. It’s about supporting one another and bettering the lives of individuals both in and out of the workplace. Ready to become an active participant in your union? We can’t wait to see more of you!

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