

Withdrawal Card Information

A withdrawal card is issued to a member who is leaving their job for a period of one (1) calendar month or more for a leave of absence, medical reasons, maternity/parental leave or because of a resignation or termination. When you are going to be off work, you are entitled to a withdrawal card provided you are paid through the month in which the request is made.

A withdrawal card informs the Union that you are not going to be working and therefore not remitting Union dues. When you return to work you will not owe back dues or re-initiation fees. If you return to work at another Teamster represented employer, you can deposit your withdrawal card and avoid initiation fees.

Your employer contributes, on your behalf, to the Teamsters Local 987 Pension Plan and you are off work due to short term disability, workers compensation or other medical reasons you must contact the Union office immediately to determine if you qualify for Disability Pension Credits, you must contact the Union office immediately for qualification requirements.

Withdrawal cards can be obtained by completing the withdrawal form on the Union website, under the Members Hub or by contacting the Union office. Members will be required to provide their name, telephone number, mailing address, last day of work and social insurance or Union ID number.


5663 Burleigh Crescent S.E.
Calgary, AB   T2H 1Z7
Ph: 403-252-7843
Toll: 1-866-947-7987

12527 – 129 Street NW
Edmonton, AB   T5L 1H7
Ph: 780-483-7098
Toll: 1-866-949-2768

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