


Have you ever suffered an injury at work due to a hazardous work environment? It is well known that an unsafe physical working environment is connected to absence due to illness and poor work performance. However, mental health and overall wellbeing while at work is just as important. Many of us experience stress or anxiety at work, which can sometimes lead to reduced productivity or dissatisfaction with our job.

Why Your Employer Should Invest in Your Wellbeing

Your employer should look to adopt a health and safety approach to insure your overall wellbeing at work. What does that mean to you an employee? It means creating an environment where you can feel productive, satisfied, respected and appreciated. Here are some of the ways in which you can rally your employer to adapt your health and safety policy to include both your physical and mental wellbeing:

  • Making sure that you participate and have a say in the decision making process
  • Managing workloads for their employees, such as yourself
  • Promoting work-life balance so you get the enjoy the time with your family and friends when not at work
  • Recognizing your hard work and accomplishment in the workplace

What Your Union Can Do For Your Mental Wellbeing at Work

Your union, Teamsters 987 of Alberta, works with your employer to negotiate better working conditions for you. As a member you automatically get safer working environment programs. In an event of an incident at work, Teamsters 987 of Alberta can help you have your voice heard, rather than have your concerns be swept under a rug or filled away for another day.

Your Business Agent will take action for you, your rights and your working conditions, but your participation is needed to push the movement forward, and present ideas to make working conditions better – not only for you, but your co-workers too.

Want to make a comment or change to your working conditions? Click here to contact your union representative and have a say before bargaining time.

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