"What If Your Boss Finds Out
And Fires You?"
Section 149 of the Labour Relations Code makes it illegal for an employer to bully an employee “by intimidation, dismissal, the threat of dismissal or any other kind of threat” into not starting a union. Even without a union, everyone is protected under this law. Teamsters Union 987 can help you fight back if your employer breaks this law. Similarly, the Code states that employers may not give special treatment to anyone who expresses negative opinions about unionizing. Your employer cannot ask you to share your views about organizing.

"What Exactly Is A Union and
Are Paying Union Dues Worth It?"
A union is any number of employees who have decided to negotiate their terms of work as a collective group rather than on their own. Teamsters Union 987 union dues equal approximately 2.5 hours of monthly pay and are tax-deductible. If you consider this small amount like insurance that protects your job security, among all the different 987 member benefits, the nominal costs are far outweighed.

"Is it enough if your company
follows legal workplace standards?"
Though the labour movement has made many advances over the last 100 years, the laws protecting workers need to be stronger. Without a union, employers can pay low or minimum wages, ignore seniority, favour some workers over others, fire employees at their discretion, and ignore workplace grievances. Does that sound like protection?

"I Know That One Time Was Bad.
But It Won't Happen Again."
When something goes wrong in the workplace and employers are not held accountable for their actions, there is little in their way to prevent them from doing the same thing again. However, with a union in place, employees can rest assured they have a powerful family behind them should they need to take action.