

Package and Parcel

Considering an Alberta labour union for the Package & Parcel industry?

The package and parcel industry is a vital link in Canada’s economy and an important sector for all Canadians. Teamsters 987 represents more than 1,200 workers employed in the package and parcel industry in Canada. Teamsters 987 wants to advocate for the rights of package and parcel workers and an Alberta labour union can help protect workers and fight for better workplace treatment.

Why a Package & Parcel Union Works for You

A package and parcel union can open the door to discuss and negotiate things like equal pay, benefits, sick days and personal days, fair scheduling, and more. It can also offer solutions to all other worker-related issues like pensions and retirement options. Most importantly, a union can give you a voice and a seat at the table. Every worker deserves the ability to step up for their rights. Teamsters 987 wants to give you that power – we’re here to help you.

Interested in Forming a Package and Parcel Union?

TLU 987 has been creating fair workplaces for workers since 1942 with 100% confidentiality. Click here to learn more about how a union can work for you.

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